Разпределител Sumitomo SH120 SH130 control valve assy за багер excavator parts

≈ 2 638 лв.
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Информация за контакт с продавача

One of the key features of this excavator pilot control valve is its durability. Made from high-quality materials, this valve is designed to withstand the rigors of heavy use and extreme conditions. Whether you're working in a hot, dusty environment or a cold, wet one, this valve will perform reliably day after day.
Another important feature of this excavator main valve assembly is its precision. With precise control over the flow of hydraulic fluid, you can ensure that your excavator is operating at peak efficiency, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. And with its easy-to-use design, you can quickly and easily adjust the flow of fluid as needed to meet the demands of your job.
The Excavator Control Valve is also known as a communication adapter. This is an essential part of your excavator's hydraulic system, allowing you to communicate with other components and ensuring that everything is working together seamlessly. With this control valve, you can rest assured that your excavator is working as it should.
Overall, the Excavator Control Valve is an essential component for anyone who relies on their excavator to get the job done. With its durable construction, precise control, and easy-to-use design, this valve is sure to be a valuable addition to your construction equipment. So why wait? Order your excavator main valve assembly today and experience the difference for yourself!
Designed for excavator hydraulic main control valve
Controls the boom and bucket of the excavator
Ensures precise and efficient operation of the excavator
High quality and durable construction
Easy installation and maintenance
The excavator pilot control valve is used to control the flow of hydraulic fluid to the boom cylinder. This is used to control the position of the boom and the bucket. The control valve is a critical component of the hydraulic system, and it must be of high quality to ensure that the system works correctly. The Belparts SH120 SH130 excavator boom control valve is of the highest quality and is designed to last a long time.
The excavator main valve assembly is used to control the flow of hydraulic fluid to the various hydraulic actuators on the excavator. The main valve assembly is an essential part of the hydraulic system, and it must be of high quality to ensure that the system works correctly. The Belparts R80-7 excavator boom control valve is designed to be used as part of the main valve assembly.
The Belparts R80-7 excavator boom control valve is suitable for use in a wide range of applications. It is commonly used in excavators and is designed to work with a variety of hydraulic systems. The product is versatile and can be used in many different scenarios, making it an excellent choice for those who need a reliable and high-quality control valve.
The Belparts SH120 SH130 excavator boom control valve is an excellent choice for those who need a high-quality and reliable control valve. It is manufactured in China, and it is designed to be used in a wide range of applications. It is an essential part of the hydraulic system and is suitable for use in excavators. The product is available in GuangZhou HuangPu port and is an excellent choice for those who need a high-quality control valve.
Support and Services:
The Excavator Control Valve product technical support and services include:
Installation guidance and support
Diagnostic assistance and troubleshooting
Repair and maintenance services
Warranty support and claims processing
Product training and education
Upgrades and retrofits
Technical documentation and manuals